January 15, 2025
I am a Computer Science student currently studying at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, with an interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially in understanding how knowledge representation and multi-modularity can enhance the capabilities of intelligent agents.
My Positions
This section provides an overview of the positions I hold on various topics. By “positions,” I mean knowledge or beliefs that I consider highly likely to be true, though they are more speculative in nature rather than purely factual. This section is a work in progress, and I will add entries to it whenever I write a relevant article.
- Why care about philosophy? A: Philosophical assumptions and better conversations
- What is the aim of philosophy? A: Philosophy as a model
Value Theory
- What do we value? A: Capability to deploy consciousness
- What does ought mean? A: Ought as an outdated concept
- What is morality? A: Fictionalism with a bit constructivism
- How shoud one act to be moral? A: Virtue ethics
- What is knowledge? A: Contextualism
- Do we have free will? A:No
Artificial Intelligence
Road to AGI
Symbolic AI will not lead us to AGI, as it doesn’t seem feasible to write enough rules to cover every possible intelligent behavior pattern. Instead, the current data-driven paradigm using deep learning, in combination with some form of reinforcement learning, will be needed. Deep learning provides the world model, while reinforcement learning allows the agent to act upon the world model and refine it, through a feedback loop, as layed out by active inference.
Feel free to contact me: monkeman@cock.li
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