On the True Good
February 12, 2025
And what is this Good? It is a clear and flawless mind, which rivals that of God, raised far above mortal concerns, and counting nothing of its own to be outside itself.
You are a reasoning animal. What Good, then, lies within you? Perfect reason. Are you willing to develop this to its farthest limits — to its greatest degree of increase? Only consider yourself happy when all your joys are born of reason, and when — having marked all the objects which men clutch at, or pray for, or watch over — you find nothing which you will desire; mind, I do not say prefer.Here is a short rule by which to measure yourself, and by the test of which you may feel that you have reached perfection:
“You will come to your own when you shall understand that those whom the world calls fortunate are really the most unfortunate of all.~ Seneca, On the True Good as Attained by Reason